
Another Outing for Myth-Based Diplomacy Global Asia, December, 2023 READ ARTICLE
Taiwan: Peril without Exit? Global Asia, June, 2023 READ ARTICLE
Blinken's trip hasn't interrupted slide toward war Asia Times, June 22, 2023 READ ARTICLE
Development and security in the 21st century China International Strategy Review, June 21, 2023 READ ARTICLE
The Era of Chinese Supergrowth Is Over Barron's, May 26, 2023 READ ARTICLE
Could China Become Like Japan in the Early 1990s? The International Economy, Winter, 2023 READ ARTICLE
China's Coming Era of Slow Growth Center for the Study of Contemporary China 9th Annual Conference, March 31, 2023 READ ARTICLE
Foreign policy of an anxious adolescent superpower East Asia Forum, March, 2023 READ ARTICLE
Xi Jinping Won't Enjoy His Third Term Global Asia, December, 2022 READ ARTICLE
Harvard guru gives Biden a D+ for China policy Asia Times, November 23, 2022 READ ARTICLE
Why Xi Jinping Will Not Enjoy his Third Term Asia Times, November 19, 2022 READ ARTICLE
"China's Future: Xi Jinping and After," video with Lawrence Summers The Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government at Harvard University, November 18, 2022 WATCH VIDEO
Thinking through the China Hype The International Economy, Summer 2022 READ ARTICLE
Putin's losses in Asia are bigger than in Ukraine The Hill, September, 21 2022 READ OPINION or PDF
Ukraine Offers No Easy Lessons on Taiwan Global Asia, June 2022 READ ARTICLE
Development, Sovereignty, Ideology and the New Great Power Competition Keynote Address at the Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya, December 9, 2021 READ SPEECH
Was US-China engagement premised on Chinese political liberalization? The Hill, October 14, 2021 READ OPINION
Letter to the Editor The Wire China, August 4, 2021 READ LETTER
Biden cannot counter China with a team that lacks expertise The Hill, July 7, 2021 READ ARTICLE
Hale Podcast Episode 11: Dr. William Overholt on US-China Relations EconVue Spotlight, January 22, 2021 LISTEN TO PODCAST or READ TRANSCRIPT
China and America: A New Game in a New Era Prism, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2021 READ ARTICLE
Myths and Realities in Sino-American Relations The Wire China, January 10, 2021 READ ARTICLE
China BRI emulates US East Asia Forum Quarterly, October - December 2020 READ FULL ARTICLE or READ EXCERPT
Myths and Realities in Sino-American Relations Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies and Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government at Harvard University, November 12, 2020 READ ARTICLE
The Logic & Illogic of China-US Decoupling Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University, October 31, 2020 WATCH VIDEO
In countering China, the US must not lose its knack for nuanced diplomacy South China Morning Post, August 7, 2020 READ ARTICLE
Trump versus Huawei: right target, disastrous strategy East Asia Forum, June 21, 2020 READ ARTICLE
Renminbi Internationalisation Deferred OMFIF, May 15, 2020 READ ARTICLE
Hong Kong: The Rise and Fall of "One Country, Two Systems" Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard Kennedy School, December 2019 READ ARTICLE
Hong Kong: The Rise & Fall of One Country Two Systems Harvard University's Kennedy School, October 31, 2019 WATCH VIDEO
North Korea: Peace? Nuclear War? Harvard Coop, October 29, 2019 WATCH VIDEO
To end Hong Kong unrest, China must empower city leaders Nikkei Asian Review, September 12, 2019 READ ARTICLE
China and America: A new game in a new era Naval War College Foundation Symposium, August 16, 2019 READ ARTICLE
Is the China model a threat? East Asia Forum, July 7, 2019 READ ARTICLE
Managing Canada's Relations With China Ninth National Forum on Canada-China Economic Relations, May 24, 2019 READ ARTICLE
Will Xi Jinping Succeed? Kennedy School at Harvard University, March 2019 WATCH VIDEO
China's Crisis of Success ALPINE MACRO Featured Report, February 25, 2019 READ ARTICLE
China and America: The Age of Realist Geoeconomics Remarks to the Carter Center celebration of the 40th anniversary of Sino-American diplomatic normalization, Atlanta, January 17-18, 2019 READ ARTICLE
Sino-American relations: a strategic overview Edited transcript of an overview concluding a Carter Center celebration of the 40th anniversary of Sino-American diplomatic normalization, January 17-18, 2019 READ ARTICLE
China's Crisis of Success: Book Talk with Dr. William Overholt Center for Strategic & International Studies, January 15, 2019 WATCH VIDEO
China's 'Brilliant' Economic Plan Blocked by Government Fear South China Morning Post, October 31, 2018 WATCH VIDEO
Dr. William Overholt of Harvard University predicts global recession within two to three years South China Morning Post, October 30, 2018 WATCH VIDEO
Myths and Misconceptions in U.S.-China Relations National Committee on American Foreign Policy, October 2018 READ ARTICLE
The West is getting China wrong East Asia Forum, August 11, 2018 READ ARTICLE
Hope for peace on the Peninsula is not in vain East Asia Forum, June 1, 2018 READ ARTICLE
Xi is no Putin Nikkei Asian Review, May 15, 2018 READ ARTICLE
Is China Taking Global Leadership from the United States? The Fairbank Center, June 21, 2017 READ ARTICLE
A Symposium of Views: What Are China's Global Economic Intentions? The International Economy, Winter, 2017 READ ARTICLE
William H. Overholt: The Great Betrayal The International Economy, Winter, 2017 READ ARTICLE
Duterte, democracy, and defense Brookings Institution, January 31, 2017 READ ARTICLE
William H. Overholt: The yuan's transition to international currency hits a wall Nikkei Asian Review, January 26, 2017 READ ARTICLE
Challenges put brakes on yuan internationalization Nikkei Asian Review, January 11, 2017. READ ARTICLE
China and the Evolution of the World Economy China Economic Review, Vol. 40, September 2016. READ ARTICLE
One Belt, One Road, One Pivot Global Asia, Vol. 10, No. 3, Fall 2015. READ ARTICLE
"The Enemy Is Us" The International Economy, Summer 2015. READ ARTICLE
The Opportunities and Challenges of Growing East Asian-Latin American Economic Relations: Report of the Task Force on East Asian-Latin American Economic Relations East Asia-Latin America Taskforce, Pacific Basin Research Center, Soka University of America, 19 August 2015. READ ARTICLE
The Politics of China's Anti-Corruption Campaign East Asian Forum Quarterly, April-June 2015. READ ARTICLE

  | Asia, America, and the Transformation of Geopolitics 2008 American security and prosperity now depend on Asia. William H. Overholt offers an iconoclastic analysis of developments in each major Asian country, Asian international relations, and U.S. foreign policy. Drawing on decades of political and business experience, he argues that obsolete Cold War attitudes tie the U.S. increasingly to an otherwise isolated Japan and obscure the reality that a U.S.-Chinese bicondominium now manages most Asian issues. Military priorities risk polarizing the region unnecessarily, weaken the economic relationships that engendered American preeminence, and ironically enhance Chinese influence. As a result, despite its Cold War victory, U.S. influence in Asia is declining. Overholt disputes the argument that democracy promotion will lead to superior development and peace, and forecasts a new era in which Asian geopolitics could take a drastically different shape. Covering Japan, China, Russia, Central Asia, India, Pakistan, Korea, and South-East Asia, Overholt offers invaluable insights for scholars, policymakers, business people, and general readers. PURCHASE ON AMAZON.COM
| The Rise of China: How Economic Reform is Creating a New Superpower 1993 In the late 1980s and early 1990s most Americans, including President George H.W. Bush and the CIA, believed that China would collapse and Gorbachev would do great things for the Soviet Union. Throughout the period, Overholt argued that China's reforms would make it a great power again and that the Soviet Union would collapse (an argument Overholt first made in 1976). The Rise of China was the first book to argue the case for China's huge success. The reviews mostly said that Overholt's views of China's coming success were absurd. After China's success became a fact, dozens of books have taken up the theme, mostly missing the central points: China emulated successful policies from neighbors like South Korea and Taiwan, so success was predictable. It also faces transitions that those countries had to make, and its continued success depends on successfully making similar transitions.
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